Dalgona Coffee


If you haven’t had a dollop of Dalgona froth where have you been?


2 tbsp Instant coffee or espresso powder

2 tbsp Sugar

2 tbsp Very hot or boiling water

Milk (can be any type you like…from a cow, plant or nut)


Add Instant Coffee + Sugar + Boiling Water to mixing bowl.

Mix together with a whisk (or an electric mixer or stand mixer). Keep whisking until you see mountain peaks in the froth.

Add milk and a few ice cubes to your glass. Then top off with scoops of the froth.

Bon Beverage!

For an afternoon Dalonga, beat in 1-2 tsp of coffee liqueur into the coffee mixture.

Photo credit Kat Peterson  Follow here on Instagram @kmlpeterson

Jerrod Sumner